The US Government
funded Design Democracy Internet Portal included a website and the use of
assorted social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others
to share information and help coordinate actions during Occupy Central.
These are posts
from the Design Democracy Hong Kong Facebook account on 27 September 2014, the
day the protesters confronted the police. It should be noted, all of these
posts were made before the police used tear gas to disperse the protesters,
suggesting the student confrontation with the police was pre-planned.
It is also
important to remember, all of these messages and all of this advice was funded
by the US Government.
Use of Firechat
//如果大家關注政總現場情況或會到政總, 請先到 AppStore 或 PlayStore 安裝及登入 FireChat.
Firechat於台灣立法院抗爭時, 開始廣為台灣人所用。 若你進入政總後, 發現你的電話無法上網, 只要你的電話開了藍芽,FireChat 就會變成一個公開既通訊渠道,你可以用
FireChat 與附近的 FireChat 用戶通訊,以聯絡自己的朋友。 你亦可以利用此 App, 把現場情況向外發佈. 以免有人因網上流言自亂陣腳。 請把以上資料傳開去,謝謝..
In case all entrances close and started
clearing// If you are at gov headquarters or on your way, please download
"firechat". It is used in the movement in taiwan, whenever you find
that you cannot go online, use wifi etc, turn on your bluetooth and open
firechat. Then you can chat with the friends near you. You can share info with
this app as well.
Use of Safety Goggles
Design Democracy/CCPL/HKU poster with lawyer
contact numbers and graphics explaining the rights of arrested persons to a
phone call, food and medical examination
Design Democracy HK @hkwedecide Twitter post
On 27 September
2014. Design Democracy HK @hkwedecide
Twitter Account tweeted the following message and graphics explaining
the need to dispose of scissors, cutters and knives:
If you have cutter, scissors or pocket knife with you, please throw them away
If you have cutter, scissors or pocket knife with you, please throw them away
Design Democracy Hong Kong Facebook account on 27 September 2014
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